Dimitris Gizopoulos

Professor of Computer Architecture and Systems

Dimitris Gizopoulos is Professor at the (National and Kapodistrian) University of Athens where he leads the Computer Architecture Laboratory of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications. His research focuses on the complex interactions among the computing performance, the energy efficiency, and the correct operation of modern computing systems at different application domains across the performance spectrum. His team works, among other topics, on the analysis of silicon defects in modern CPUs, GPUs, and AI accelerators hardware chips (manufacturing, design, and environment aspects that impact their operation) and their effects on the correctness of the computing systems running everyone’s software workloads. The work is part of a global industry-academia effort led by Meta, Google, AMD, Intel, Nvidia, Arm, Microsoft towards improving the quality of the services of modern machines on which our live relies.

Dimitris is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for his contributions to microprocessors reliable operation, a Distinguished Member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and a Golden Core Member of the IEEE Computer Society. His research publications with students and collaborators have been nominated and awarded important recognitions at scientific conferences and journals in the field of computer architecture, hardware design and systems dependability. He has served as General Chair and Program Chair of several top tier IEEE and ACM international conferences and on the Editorial Boards of prestigious IEEE and ACM archival publications.